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Webster’s Dictionary: mulch (mulch), n., v.,mulched, mulch-ing. –n. 1. a covering, as of straw, compost, or plastic sheeting, spread on the ground around plants to prevent excessive evaporation or erosion, enrich the soil, inhibit weed growth, etc. –v.t. 2. to cover with mulch.


Since 1981 I have been practicing deep mulch gardening. It was/is surprisingly non traditional. Somehow people decided that bare ground with nothing growing between plants is esthetically more pleasing. Results of this conventional gardening have created a booming business for chemical companies and any garden supply businesses. If you compare the topsoil of your garden to that of the flesh of your body you would be stripping the top three layers of your skin off. This would result in having sensitivities to temperature, moisture, and weak immunities to topical bacterial infections. You would also be forced to apply excessive moisture and take antibiotics to combat illnesses. Mulch gardening increases microbial activity, producing healthy soil structure, and vigorous, disease resistant plants. Recently it has been coined with the name "SYNERGISTIC AGRICULTURE" by a French  gardener Emilia Hazelip. She has nailed exactly what I have done.





LESS WATER: Mulch can save up to 73% of water loss through evaporation. Eventually the mulch breaks down to create humus that improves soil structure, aids moisture retention, and improves air and water movement through the soil.
LESS WASTE: Through composting and mulching we can save our dwindling landfill areas. Our 35’x 35’ garden uses over 200 bags of leaves/ year alone! In Australia, Melbourne city water and waste management officials have successfully launched a public awareness campaign where thousands of gardens have implemented sensible, cost saving and environmental gardening practices. To visit their site and learn their message, go HERE.
WEED FREE: Weed seeds can accumulate in topsoil and can potentially germinate for two to five years. By creating a “blanket” of organic material you restrict unwanted seeds light. Without light and heat these unwanted seeds remain dormant, and if they do germinate they cannot break through the “blanket” quickly enough for photosynthesis to feed the unwanted growing plant.
ORGANIC FOOD: Mulch gardening provides essential non-toxic nutrients to the soil (such as nitrogen which improves the foliage of your plants). You can maximize your garden into a totally organic food factory through the creation of a strong garden ecosystem utilizing biodiversity and the promotion of healthy insects. Why continue to poison ourselves with vegetables grown in noxious toxins?    
  WEED FREE:  Did i say WEED FREE? thats RIGHT! weeding and watering is  POOR TIME MANAGEMENT!!!!!


Enjoy the satisfaction of becoming self-sufficient and learn how to turn unused lawn into a food factory.

This website was started in 2000 but I have a blog....that is very current, but may contain child like adult viewing matter. View at own risk:

 Microorganisms and worms do not hibernate; provide a nice blanket to keep them warm and active throughout the winter.

I also consult!  Home food garden design, edible landscaping, and creative irrigation.



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